Ingo Rechenberg: Tabacha die Purzelbaumspinne und Tabbot das Saltomobil
WB 4
328 p., 310 ill.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2881-2
Single price:
€ 29.90
It is unique in the living world on our planet: An animal that, driven by its muscles, can roll performing somersaults. The desert spider Cebrennus rechenbergi can do it. Her life in the desert Erg Chebbi, full of episodes, her art to move sometimes running, sometimes rolling depending on the terrain, is the subject of the book. Tabacha is the name of the somersault spider and tabbot is the robot, which bionic engineers have developed based on the model of the spider. Thus the book is instructive for the generally interested animal lover, for the arachnologist but also for the robot designer.
All volumes
- Rechenberg: Tabacha die Purzelbaumspinne und Tabbot das Saltomobil – available
- Koch-Schwessinger: Wasserstoffproduktion durch Purpurbakterien – available
- Rechenberg: Photobiologische Wasserstoffproduktion in der Sahara – available
- Rechenberg: Evolutionsstrategie '94 – available
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