Philipp Melanchthon: Band 6: Regesten 5708-6690 (1550–1552)
Edited by Heinz Scheible and Walter Thüringer.

400 p., 18,0 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0993-4
Single price:
€ 298.–
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This volume deals with everyday life at the university and in the family as well as with scholarly publications and the marriage of the two children who were still alive. The consultations concerning the Council of Trent made it necessary for Melanchthon to return to high politics. The war in neighboring Magdeburg and Lower Saxony, which had never stopped, caught up with Melanchthon in Nuremberg und prevented him from continuing his journey to Trent. There were also theological issues to be clarified, in particular the problems of justification and Christology which Andreas Osiander and Francesco Stancaro had addressed.
All volumes
- Band 1: Regesten 1-1109 (1514–1530) – available
- Band 2: Regesten 1110-2335 (1531–1539) – Reprint in preparation
- Band 3: Regesten 2336-3420 (1540–1543) – available
- Band 4: Regesten 3421-4529 (1544–1546) – available
- Band 5: Regesten 4530-5707 (1547–1549) – available
- Band 6: Regesten 5708-6690 (1550–1552) – available
- Band 7: Regesten 6691-8071 (1553–1556) – available
- Band 8: Regesten 8072-9301 (1557–1560) – available
- Band 9: Addenda und Konkordanzen – available
- Band 10: Orte A-Z und Itinerar – available
- Band 11: Personen A-E – available
- Band 12: Personen F-K – available
- Band 13: Personen L-N – available
- Band 14: Personen O-R – available
- Band 15: Personen S – available
- Band 16: Personen T-Z und Nachträge – available
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