Philipp Melanchthon: Band 8: Regesten 8072-9301 (1557–1560)

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This last volume of regesta, which goes up to Melanchthon’s death, begins with an attempt to settle the Flacians’ dispute with Melanchthon and the Wittenbergians. The purpose of this was to enable a common approach by the Protestants at the second Colloquy of Worms in 1557. This was a failure on both counts. The documents and letters pertaining to this are the largest set of issues dealt with in these last years. Apart from this, the controversy concerning the Lord‘s Supper had broken out once again. Melanchthon advised his friend Hardenberg in Bremen, and he wrote his report for Frederick III, Elector Palatinate, which ultimately led him to Calvinism. The Counter Reformation visitation or inquisition in Bavaria inspired Melanchthon to a final reckoning with the Roman Catholic church, and for him this had the significance of a last will.
»Der Band stellt wiederum eindrucksvoll unter Beweis, welch schwierige Arbeit durch die Autoren mit Erfolg bewältigt wurde. [...] Mit dem letzten Regestenband haben Herausgeber und Mitarbeiter aber schon jetzt ein beeindruckendes Monument geisteswissenschaftlicher Grundlagenforschung geschaffen.«
All volumes
- Band 1: Regesten 1-1109 (1514–1530) – available
- Band 2: Regesten 1110-2335 (1531–1539) – Reprint in preparation
- Band 3: Regesten 2336-3420 (1540–1543) – available
- Band 4: Regesten 3421-4529 (1544–1546) – available
- Band 5: Regesten 4530-5707 (1547–1549) – available
- Band 6: Regesten 5708-6690 (1550–1552) – available
- Band 7: Regesten 6691-8071 (1553–1556) – available
- Band 8: Regesten 8072-9301 (1557–1560) – available
- Band 9: Addenda und Konkordanzen – available
- Band 10: Orte A-Z und Itinerar – available
- Band 11: Personen A-E – available
- Band 12: Personen F-K – available
- Band 13: Personen L-N – available
- Band 14: Personen O-R – available
- Band 15: Personen S – available
- Band 16: Personen T-Z und Nachträge – available
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