Philipp Melanchthon: Band 13: Personen L-N
The biographical index for the regesta is a further part of the commentary on Melanchthon’s correspondence. The biographical information serves primarily to aid the understanding of Melanchthon’s correspondence. There is a complete list of the cross connections in this corpus, in particular among the family members. A very short character description is provided for easy orientation before the date of birth of those persons mentioned only occasionally in the volumes of letters. The short biography for those persons who are well-known and dealt with in many lexica has been kept very brief and is limited to data pertaining to their life. Works have only been quoted if they are of significance for the mention of the author in the volumes of Melanchthon’s correspondence. The exact verification can be found in the sources given in the text volumes.
»Was man hier liest, ist der Ertrag vieler Jahre auf derzeit möglichst aktuellem Stand. Das alles dient dem ganz genauen Verständnis Melanchthons. Diesen großen Gelehrten kann man jedoch erst verstehen, wenn man seine weitreichenden Beziehungen kennt und berücksichtigt. Jetzt ist ein weiteres Stück essentieller Hilfe dazu für die Personen L-N auf dem Tisch.«
All volumes
- Band 1: Regesten 1-1109 (1514–1530) – available
- Band 2: Regesten 1110-2335 (1531–1539) – Reprint in preparation
- Band 3: Regesten 2336-3420 (1540–1543) – available
- Band 4: Regesten 3421-4529 (1544–1546) – available
- Band 5: Regesten 4530-5707 (1547–1549) – available
- Band 6: Regesten 5708-6690 (1550–1552) – available
- Band 7: Regesten 6691-8071 (1553–1556) – available
- Band 8: Regesten 8072-9301 (1557–1560) – available
- Band 9: Addenda und Konkordanzen – available
- Band 10: Orte A-Z und Itinerar – available
- Band 11: Personen A-E – available
- Band 12: Personen F-K – available
- Band 13: Personen L-N – available
- Band 14: Personen O-R – available
- Band 15: Personen S – available
- Band 16: Personen T-Z und Nachträge – available
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