Rudolf Steiner: Band 15: Schriften zur Anthroposophischen Medizin
Grundlegendes für eine Erweiterung der Heilkunst.
Edited and annotated by Christian Clement.
With an introduction by Michaela Glöckler.
460 p.
ISBN 978-3-7728-5115-5
December 2024
Single price:
ca. € 54.–
ca. € 46.–
The 1925 book ›Fundamentals for the Enhancement of the Art of Healing‹ is the only text published by Rudolf Steiner that he did not author all by himself. Instead, the book was written in cooperation with his friend and companion Dr. Ita Wegmann and represents the basic text of anthroposophical medicine as a spiritual approach to the art of healing. As such, the text is not only to be understood as a theoretical explanation of the fundamentals of anthroposophical medicine, but also as a practical instruction manual for training doctors in the anthroposophical way of understanding the multifaceted nature of human beings.
All volumes
- Band 1: Frühe Schriften zur Goethe-Deutung – available
- Band 2: Philosophische Schriften – available
- Band 3: Intellektuelle Biographien – available
- Band 4,1-2: Schriften zur Geschichte der Philosophie – available
- Band 5: Schriften über Mystik, Mysterienwesen und Religionsgeschichte – available
- Band 6: Schriften zur Anthropologie – available
- Band 7: Schriften zur Erkenntnisschulung – available
- Band 8,1-2: Schriften zur Anthropogenese und Kosmogonie – available
- Band 9,1-2: Vier Mysteriendramen – in preparation
- Band 10: Schriften zur meditativen Erarbeitung der Anthroposophie I (1912‒1913) – available
- Band 11: Schriften über Geschichte und politisches Zeitgeschehen – in preparation
- Band 12: Schriften zum Verhältnis der Anthroposophie zu den Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften – available
- Band 13: Schriften über soziale Dreigliederung – available
- Band 14: Schriften zur meditativen Erarbeitung der Anthroposophie II (1922‒1925) – September 2025
- Band 15: Schriften zur Anthroposophischen Medizin – December 2024
- Band 16: Autobiographische Schriften – in preparation
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