Moses Mendelssohn: Band 8: Schriften zum Judentum II

Edited by Alexander Altmann.
XCI, 375 p., 15,6 x 20,9 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1015-2
Single price:
€ 236.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3613-8
€ 236.–

This volume contains the German translation of a work by the famous Amsterdam rabbi Manasseh b. Israel, ›Vindiciae Iudaeorum‹ (Rescue of the Jews) with a preface as well as other important texts by Mendelssohn. In ›Jerusalem oder über religiöse Macht und Judentum‹ (Jerusalem or On Religious Power and Judaism) he presents his concept of Judaism as a religion of reason. There are some works in this volume which were not written by Mendelssohn: the anonymous work ›Das Forschen nach Licht und Recht‹ (The Searching for Light and Right), written by August Friedrich Cranz, which includes a postscript by D.E. Mörschel – which induced Mendelssohn to write ›Jerusalem‹ – and J. D. Michaelis’ comments, which led to a clarification (›Über die 39 Artikel der englischen Kirche und deren Beschwörung‹ – On the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England and Their Invocation).

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