Bernard Bolzano: Band III,2,2: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1831–1836
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The first volume contains the correspondence between Bolzano and his student and friend M. J. Fesl between 1815 and 1827. Their letters deal mainly with the legal action taken by the church and the state against Fesl and Bolzano. Thus this volume is an important historical source for the so-called Bolzano trial. The correspondence between Bolzano and Fesl during the following years (1828–1848) deals with various subjects and gives important biographical information about Bolzano and Fesl. Furthermore there are some letters written by Bolzano to Fesl which are relevant from a philosophical perspective, in particular in view of Bolzano’s theories on aesthetics.
»El más importante proyecto que les ocupa estos años es la impresión de la Doctrina de la ciencia de Bolzano, finalmente culminada en 1837. La odisea sufrida por el manuscrito hasta llegar a manos del editor ayuda a comprender la génesis de esta obra principal de Bolzano. Pero también aluden las cartas a otros proyectos, como el escrito apologético sobre la Perfectibilidad del catolicismo.«
All volumes
- Band III,1,1: Briefe an die Familie 1819–1820 und 1833–1836 – available
- Band III,1,2: Briefe an die Familie 1837–1840 – available
- Band III,1,3: Briefe an die Familie 1841–1848 – available
- Band III,2,1: Briefwechsel mit Michael Josef Fesl 1815–1827 – available
- Band III,2,2: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1831–1836 – available
- Band III,2,3: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1837–1840 – available
- Band III,2,4: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1841–1845 – available
- Band III,2,5: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1846–1848 – available
- Band III,3,1: Briefe an František Příhonský 1824–1835 – available
- Band III,3,2: Briefe an František Příhonský 1836–1845 – available
- Band III,3,3: Briefe an František Příhonský 1846–1848 – available
- Band III,4,1: Briefwechsel mit Franz Exner 1833–1844 – available
- Band III,4,2: Briefwechsel mit Johann Baptist Stoppani, Gregor Zeithammer und Johann Peter Romang 1832–1848 – available
- Band III,5,1: Briefe an Josef Sommer und andere. 1812–1848 – available
- Band III,5,2: Briefwechsel mit verschiedenen Briefpartnern 1801–1848 – available
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