Bernard Bolzano: Band III,2,3: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1837–1840

Edited by Otto Neumaier.
390 p., 18,1 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2624-5
Single price:
€ 278.–


This third volume of Bolzano’s letters to Fesl is the most extensive. It contains 99 letters, though about 20 letters from 1838 are missing. The intensity of their correspondence from 1837 to 1840 can primarily be ascribed to Bolzano’s various book projects which were supervised by Fesl: in addition to his ›Theory of Science‹, four further works as well as new editions of his ›Athanasia‹ and his ›Edifying Speeches‹ were published during this period. Bolzano’s letters record his preparation for the publications, their reception and his work at new publishing projects (some of which have never been concluded). Furthermore, his letters reflect the only meeting between the two friends after their sentencing in Těchobuz in September 1838 and they also refer to the new scientific projects which were discussed during this encounter.