Bernard Bolzano: Band III,3,2: Briefe an František Příhonský 1836–1845

Edited by Jan Berg.
281 p., 18,1 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2330-5
Single price:
€ 278.–

These three volumes from the set provide the complete edition of the 261 letters still in existence written by Bolzanos between 1824 and 1848 to his most important student František Příhonský. Annotations, a bibliography and indexes have been added to these. These letters reflect many aspects of Bolzano’s personal circumstances and shed light on the relationships to his circle of friends. They also provide information about his work as a writer in the last decades of his life. It was during this time that he wrote most of his scientific works.


Steffen Höhne, Bohemia

»ein geistesgeschichtlich-biografisches Dokument von höchster Qualität [...], welches die Kenntnisse wichtiger intellektueller Strömungen vor 1848 in entscheidender Weise zu bereichern vermag.«

Steffen Höhne,
© frommann-holzboog Verlag e.K. 2024