Bernard Bolzano: Band III,4,2: Briefwechsel mit Johann Baptist Stoppani, Gregor Zeithammer und Johann Peter Romang 1832–1848
This volume contains those parts of the correspondence with the theologian Johann Baptist Stoppani, the grammar school teacher Gregor Zeithammer and the Swiss philosopher Johann Peter Romang which have survived. The correspondence between Bolzano and Stoppani are part of a more comprehensive correspondence on the perfectibility of Catholicism. For Bolzano, this correspondence signified the possibility of clarifying and supplementing many terms and arguments from his ›Lehrbuch der Religionswissenschaft‹ (Textbook of the Science of Religion). Bolzano‘s letters to Zeithammer contain valuable references to the fate of his various writings. Bolzano‘s correspondence with Romang contains his instructions for a summary of the most important sections of the ›Wissenschaftslehre‹ (Theory of Science), in which the most important paragraphs with the fundamental terms are highlighted.
»Mit erfreulicher Geschwindigkeit wächst eines der großen Editionsprojekte unserer Zeit.«
»ein geistesgeschichtlich-biografisches Dokument von höchster Qualität [...], welches die Kenntnisse wichtiger intellektueller Strömungen vor 1848 in entscheidender Weise zu bereichern vermag.«
All volumes
- Band III,1,1: Briefe an die Familie 1819–1820 und 1833–1836 – available
- Band III,1,2: Briefe an die Familie 1837–1840 – available
- Band III,1,3: Briefe an die Familie 1841–1848 – available
- Band III,2,1: Briefwechsel mit Michael Josef Fesl 1815–1827 – available
- Band III,2,2: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1831–1836 – available
- Band III,2,3: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1837–1840 – available
- Band III,2,4: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1841–1845 – available
- Band III,2,5: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1846–1848 – available
- Band III,3,1: Briefe an František Příhonský 1824–1835 – available
- Band III,3,2: Briefe an František Příhonský 1836–1845 – available
- Band III,3,3: Briefe an František Příhonský 1846–1848 – available
- Band III,4,1: Briefwechsel mit Franz Exner 1833–1844 – available
- Band III,4,2: Briefwechsel mit Johann Baptist Stoppani, Gregor Zeithammer und Johann Peter Romang 1832–1848 – available
- Band III,5,1: Briefe an Josef Sommer und andere. 1812–1848 – available
- Band III,5,2: Briefwechsel mit verschiedenen Briefpartnern 1801–1848 – available
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