Band 6: [César Chesneau Du Marsais]: Die wahre Religion oder die Religionsprüfung (1747)
With an introduction edited by Gianluca Mori.
FeA I,6
38*, LXIV, 288 p., 15,5 x 21,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1616-1
Single price:
€ 170.–
The 18th century work ›Examen de la religion‹, of which numerous editions were published, is one of the key texts on the philosophy of religion of the French Enlightenment. The introduction by the anonymous translator and above all his comprehensive annotating footnotes provide a unique insight into the discussion surrounding the philosophy of religion during the middle of the 18th century.
All volumes
- Band 7: Balthasar Bekker: Die bezauberte Welt (1693) – available
- Band 6: [César Chesneau Du Marsais]: Die wahre Religion oder die Religionsprüfung (1747) – available
- Band 5: Karl von Knoblauch: Nachtwachen (1790) – in preparation
- Band 4: Georg Schade: Die unwandelbare und ewige Religion (1760) – available
- Band 3,1-2: Isaac La Peyrère: Praeadamitae – Systema theologicum (1655) – available
- Band 2: Johann Georg Wachter: De primordiis Christiana religionis (1703/1717) u.a. – available
- Band 1: Johann Georg Wachter: Der Spinozismus im Jüdenthumb (1699) – available
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