Horst Walter Blanke: Historiographiegeschichte als Historik

FH 3
809 p., 17,7 x 24,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1391-7
Reduced price:
€ 88.–


The author sees his work as an emphatic plea for a theoretical history of science and the humanities. As a retrospective study of its own discipline, the history of historiography is at the same time methodical self-reflection, it is history. The author tackles three tasks which are systematically connected: 1. He reconstructs the scientific history of history in the past 250 years as a sequence of the three scientific paradigms »history of the Enlightenment,« »historicism« and »social science history.« 2. He provides a historical outline of the science of history since the middle of the 16th century, since humanism, which was so important for Europe’s historical self-perception. 3. He traces the history of historiography in detail. His study is based on theoretical historical manifestos and on a wealth of evidence from the history of historiography. It also incorporates little known published material and unknown manuscripts as sources into the theoretical interpretation.


Politische Vierteljahrsschrift

»Es versteht sich angesichts der, im besten Sinne, positivistischen Gelehrsamkeit des Verfassers immerhin von selbst, daß das Buch zu einem gigantischen Nachschlagewerk über Autoren, Texte, Forschungsliteratur geraten ist und insoweit einen unbestrittenen Nutzen hat.«

Politische Vierteljahrsschrift