Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Band II,7: Nachgelassene Schriften 1804–1805

Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

With the assistance of Erich Fuchs, Albert Mues and Peter K. Schneider.
XII, 571 p., 2 ill., 22,3 x 27,1 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0990-3
Single price:
€ 296.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3256-7
€ 296.–

With the exception of the lectures on the Wissenschaftslehre from the summer of 1804 (contained in Vol. II/8), the volume contains all of the additional versions of the Wissenschaftslehre composed prior to Fichte’s departure for Erlangen. The Wissenschaftslehre of the winter of 1804, which Fichte delivered before an audience consisting of Berlin’s leading personalities from the government, the sciences, and the arts, marks his resumption of his activities as a teacher, which had been interrupted since 1802. In these lectures he exhaustively presented, in the form of a philosophia prima, the relationship of appearance to the absolute as a successive process free of all empirical-factual presuppositions. In this manner the objections of Fries were deprived of their force, and the transcendental standpoint was vindicated against Schelling. In the third Wissenschaftslehre of 1804 and in the attached »Prinzipien der Gottes-, Sitten- und Rechtslehre« Fichte completed his account of the self-development of appearances in connection with his philosophia prima. This volume also includes a few shorter writings on theology and pedagogy and concerning the concept of the Wissenschaftslehre.


  • [I.] Bei der Verlesung des Lacrymas. [II.] Prolegomena zu Lacrymas
  • Aphorismen über Erziehung
  • W.L. Innerer Geist
  • Vorlesung der Wissenschaftslehre im Winter 1804
  • Auf Aufforderung mehrerer Aphorismen [für Mme de Staël]
  • Estomihi
  • Dies irae, dies illa. Aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt
  • 3ter Cours der Wissenschaftslehre 1804
  • Die Principien der Gottes‐, Sitten‐ u. Rechtslehre
  • Himmlischer Gruß [aus dem Lateinischen]
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