Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling: Band I,14: ›Vorlesungen über die Methode des academischen Studium‹, ›Philosophie und Religion‹ und andere Texte (1803–1805)

432 p., 17,5 x 25,5 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2644-3
Single price:
€ 298.–

Schelling designed the ›Lectures on the Method of Academic Study‹ as an encyclopedic introduction for first-year students, but it is at the same time a concise introduction to his identity philosophy. The obituary for Immanuel Kant is followed by ›Philosophy and Religion‹, which had for a long time had scholars questioning whether or not it belonged to the »system of absolute identity«, which had been presented in 1801. In addition, there are historico-critical editions of some of Schelling’s shorter works from his late Jena period and his time in Würzburg.


Martin Walter, KANT-STUDIEN 2024; 115(2) 257–270

›Wie seine Vorgänger ist der zu besprechende Band 14 der historisch-kritischen Schelling-Ausgabe ein Muster der Editionskunst.‹

Martin Walter,
KANT-STUDIEN 2024; 115(2) 257–270

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