359 p., 18,4 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0543-1
Single price:
€ 298.–


Elegie (1790)
De malorum origine (1792)
Über Mythen (1793)
Form der Philosophie (1794)
Erklärung (1795)

This is the first publication of the ›Elegie‹ (Elegy) and the ›Erklärung‹ (Explanation) (along with the review which instigated it) in a Schelling edition. The ›Elegy‹ is evidence of the first connections to pietism. First attempts at Schellings main theme, mythology, are to be found in ›De malorum origine‹ und ›Über Mythen‹ (On Myths). The treatises follow the epochal studies of von Heyne, Eichhorn und Gabler. In his ›Form der Philosophie‹ (On the Possibility of an Absolute Form of Philosophy), Schelling, inspired by Fichte, tries to define philosophy as the self-understanding of reason or freedom. His dissertation ›De malorum origine‹ includes a translation into German.

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