Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Nachlaß

Fortsetzung der Gesamtausgabe bei der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig.

ISBN 978-3-7728-2252-0
1 volume in preparation, 1 in 2 Volumes available

The most important part of the extant Jacobi literary estate is in the »Nachlass«-section of the Jacobi edition. Even Jean Paul had called for these »brilliant fragments«, this »jotted down sand of diamonds«, to be published. One very small attempt was made during Jacobi’s lifetime in the ›Minerva‹, a journal. The complete text is now presented in a historical-critical, annotated edition. This ›Diarium‹ (1786–1815) contains a detailed commentary on Jacobi’s conflicts with his time.