Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Die neue Darstellung der Wissenschaftslehre, oder die sogenannte Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo
The first volume provides readers with a completely new edition of the second version of Fichte’s system. Krause’s manuscript forms the basis of this text and was newly checked for this edition. For the first time, the other student transcripts are systematically made use of. This novelty, the addition of numerous improvements, and additional or comparative passages enhance the philological and philosophical accuracy and richness of the textual basis. The second volume offers for the first time the complete corpus of all texts referring to this version of the doctrine of science (excerpts from published writings, revisions and relevant passages from the correspondence). The study of one of Fichte’s most important texts will be facilitated by means of a detailed introduction.
All volumes
- Kant: Neue Reflexionen. Die frühen Notate zu Baumgartens ›Metaphysik‹ – available
- Kant: Naturrecht Feyerabend – available
- Fichte: Die Neue Darstellung der Wissenschaftslehre, oder die sogenannte Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo – April 2025
- Jacobi: Brief über den Nihilismus – available
- Wolff: Einleitende Abhandlung über Philosophie im allgemeinen – available
- Becker: Grundprobleme existenzialen Denkens – available
- Fichte: Die späten wissenschaftlichen Vorlesungen (1809–1814) – continued
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