Alexander von Aphrodisias: In libros meteorologicorum

Reprint of the Venice edition (1561).

With an introduction by Cristina Viano.
XXII, 130 p., 21,6 x 30,5 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2537-8
Single price:
€ 162.–

Alexander von Aphrodisias was the most important of those authors who wrote commentaries on Aristotle’s works in antiquity. His methodology was seen as definitive for all of his successors and earned him the nickname »the exegete« and »the second Aristotle«. This volume contains the first of the three surviving Greek commentaries on Aristotle’s ›Meteorology‹ (this was followed by Olympiodoros the Younger and John Philoponus), whose influence ranged from medieval philosophy (Thomas Aquinas) to the Renaissance (Alessandro Piccolomini). The controversial interpretation of the break in the original Aristotelian text between books I-III and IV is of particular interest.

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