Den »Tiger reiten« lernen
Materialien für eine dynamische Neurosenlehre
This volume is dedicated to the clinical application of Judith Le Soldat’s theory in psychoanalytic-psychotherapeutic practice. The basis for the essential priming processes, also determinant in adulthood, is laid during the oedipal phase. Hence the aim of this volume is to capture the childhood conflicts that are reactivated at the beginning and during treatment by means of case material. Special emphasis will be placed on the dynamics that are actualized in the associations and transference relationships between patients and analysts. Furthermore, the most important treatment techniques will be discussed.
This work is in a continuation of the first volume of this series; however, it also stands alone. It is intended for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, physicians and psychologists, as well as for anyone who is interested in clinical psychoanalytic work.
All volumes
- Trieb und Ödipus – available
- Den »Tiger reiten« lernen – in preparation
- Dramaturgie des Unbewussten – in preparation
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