Heinrich Gustav Hotho: Vorlesungen über Ästhetik oder Philosophie des Schönen und der Kunst (1833)

Nachgeschrieben von Immanuel Hegel.

Edited and introduced by Bernadette Collenberg-Plotnikov.
SuE I,8
C, 316 p., 15,6 x 20,9 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2211-7
Single price:
€ 172.–

In the 19th century, there were a number of attempts to use Hegel’s aesthetics for research on art history. Heinrich Gustav Hotho was one of the main proponents of this project of linking philosophical foundations and empirical knowledge. The lecture on aesthetics in this work, which he held in 1833 at the same time as he was working on the edition of Hegel’s ›Aesthetics‹, is particularly revealing for Hotho’s understanding of the science of art. Based on Hegel, but with a more dialectical reasoning, in this work he created the structure of aesthetics. This volume contains a detailed transcript of Hotho’s lecture on aesthetics, written by Hegel’s son Immanuel, whose comments in the margins have also been reproduced. There is an introduction by the editor, detailed annotations, an index of names as well as a comprehensive bibliography on the subjects dealt with in the volume.


Niklas Hebing, Hegel-Studien

»Die Herausgeberin hat insgesamt eine gut lesbare, differenziert eingeleitete und sorgfältig kommentierte Ausgabe vorgelegt. [...] Somit legt sie nicht bloß eine ›Einleitung‹, sondern darüber hinaus eine umfassende, kritische wie diskursive Auseinandersetzung mit dem edierten Text vor.«

Niklas Hebing,
© frommann-holzboog Verlag e.K. 2024