Johann Friedrich Flatt: Philosophische Vorlesungen 1790
Nachschriften von August Friedrich Klüpfel.
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Johann Friedrich Flatt (1759–1821) was the first professor of philosophy to hold lectures on Kant’s critical philosophy in Tübingen. It has been proven that these lectures were attended by Hegel, Hölderlin and Schelling. In them, Flatt endeavored to adopt a benevolently neutral attitude towards the ›Kritik der reinen Vernunft‹ (Critique of Pure Reason). Thus the transcripts published in this work will be able to alter the widespread opinion, prevalent for a long time, that Flatt was nothing more than an »opponent of Kant and an apologist of Tübingen orthodoxy.« The transcripts of the lectures on metaphysics and psychology were written by Hegel’s and Hölderlin’s classmate August Friedrich Klüpfel and have been provided with introductions and commentaries.
All volumes
- Bardili: Kleine Schriften zur Logik – available
- Flatt: Philosophische Vorlesungen 1790 – available
- Hotho: Vorlesungen über Ästhetik oder Philosophie des Schönen und der Kunst (1833) – available
- Pfleiderer: Physik – available
- Hotho: Vorstudien für Leben und Kunst – available
- Gans: Rückblicke auf Personen und Zustände – available
- Neue Berliner Monatsschrift für Philosophie, Geschichte, Literatur und Kunst. Band 2 – available
- Neue Berliner Monatsschrift für Philosophie, Geschichte, Literatur und Kunst. Band 1 – available
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