Christoph F. von Pfleiderer: Physik

Naturlehre nach Klügel. Nachschrift einer Tübinger Vorlesung von 1804.

Edited by Paul Ziche.
SuE I,6
525 p., 15,4 x 21,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1607-9
Single price:
€ 38.–

Ch. F. von Pfleiderer‘s lecture on physics provides information on the teaching of mathematics and natural sciences in Tübingen towards the end of the 18th century. These subjects played an important role at the house of studies for Protestant theological students in Tübingen and were taught mainly by Pfleiderer while Hegel, Hölderlin and Schelling were studying there. Studying the content of his teaching will provide important new material for research on these thinkers.

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