Kirstin Bunge: Gleichheit und Gleichmaß. Equality and Equitability
Zur Rechtsphilosophie Francisco de Vitorias.
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On the threshold of the Middle Ages and the modern era, there was a revolutionary idea: The claim that all human beings have rights is regarded as the normative basic idea of modernity. Kirstin Bunge analyses Francisco de Vitoria’s (1483–1546) philosophy of law which ambiguously oscillates between subjective rights and natural law. Based on the terms of dominium and aequalitas, she reconstructs an impressive conceptual network as the basis of subjective rights and systematically defines Vitoria’s relationship between law and liberty, equality and justice, common and private property, war and peace. Kirstin Bunge thereby convincingly demonstrates the constitutive complexity and the challenges of the modern philosophy of law in the work of Vitoria.
»Bunge’s book is undoubtedly mandatory for every international law researcher and legal historian.«
All volumes
- Scattola: Prinzip und Prinzipienfrage in der Entwicklung des modernen Naturrechts. The Question of Principles and the Development of Modern Natural Law – available
- Bunge: Gleichheit und Gleichmaß. Equality and Equitability – available
- Spindler: Die Theorie des natürlichen Gesetzes bei Francisco de Vitoria. Francisco de Vitoria on Natural Law – available
- ›Auctoritas omnium legum‹ – available
- Kontroversen um das Recht. Contending for Law – available
- Francisco de Vitorias ›De Indis‹ in interdisziplinärer Perspektive. Interdisciplinary Views on Francisco de Vitoria's ›De Indis‹ – available
- Die Normativität des Rechts bei Francisco de Vitoria. The Normativity of Law According to Francisco de Vitoria – available
- Lex und Ius. Lex and Ius – available
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