Merio Scattola: Prinzip und Prinzipienfrage in der Entwicklung des modernen Naturrechts. The Question of Principles and the Development of Modern Natural Law
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Merio Scattola (1962–2015) is said to be one of the leading experts in the field of the history of European political thought. In his groundbreaking work ›Das Naturrecht vor dem Naturrecht‹ (Before and After Natural Law) (1999) he had studied the emergence of natural law in Western culture, and this work, with its original analysis of the further development of Scattola’s theories, provides the reader with a fundamental part of Scattola’s academic legacy. Focusing on basic methodological issues, it reconstructs a second path of development up to and including the neo-Thomist natural law of the 19th century in addition to the development of the systematic theory of natural law. Due to his consistent treatment of the key term, principle, Scattola was able to discuss natural law thought in the modern era as a question of principles from a historical and theoretical perspective.
»Wer sich in die Forschungen von Merio Scattola vertieft, fühlt sich mitunter wie ein Schatzsucher, der ganz unverhofft eine Truhe mit alten wertvollen Goldmünzen findet. [...] Über Naturrecht sollte zukünftig niemand sich verbreiten, der nicht auf dem Fundament der Forschungen Scattolas ›dem umfassend und vertieft gebildeten Gelehrten der politischen und juristischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte‹ (XIX) aufbaut.«
All volumes
- Scattola: Prinzip und Prinzipienfrage in der Entwicklung des modernen Naturrechts. The Question of Principles and the Development of Modern Natural Law – available
- Bunge: Gleichheit und Gleichmaß. Equality and Equitability – available
- Spindler: Die Theorie des natürlichen Gesetzes bei Francisco de Vitoria. Francisco de Vitoria on Natural Law – available
- ›Auctoritas omnium legum‹ – available
- Kontroversen um das Recht. Contending for Law – available
- Francisco de Vitorias ›De Indis‹ in interdisziplinärer Perspektive. Interdisciplinary Views on Francisco de Vitoria's ›De Indis‹ – available
- Die Normativität des Rechts bei Francisco de Vitoria. The Normativity of Law According to Francisco de Vitoria – available
- Lex und Ius. Lex and Ius – available
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