Karl Leonhard Reinhold: Band 6: Korrespondenz 1794

With the assistance of Juliana Ferraci Martone and Shaomiao Weng.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0832-6
Single price:
€ 328.–

In 1794, Reinhold moves to Kiel to take up his new professorship. Fichte becomes his successor in Jena and Baggesen is on his way to Italy. Reinhold drafts the project of a book on Socrates as the reformer of philosophy and the health of the mind personified by the Greek thinker is at the center of his new foundation of philosophical knowledge. The second volume of the »Beyträge« represents the result of this speculative stage. Important correspondents include Baggesen, Fichte, Forberg, Jacobi, Kant, Niethammer, Maimon and Wieland. The volume contains a bibliography, detailed indexes of subjects, persons and places, as well as lists of Reinhold’s writings and reviews from 1794.