Bernard Bolzano: Band I,3: Mathematische Schriften 1811–1831

Edited by Steve Russ and Christian Tapp.
18,1 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2291-9
First half of 2026
Single price:
ca. € 278.–

At the beginning of his academic career, Bolzano published a series of mathematical works. After the mathematical writings from the period 1804–1810 were published in 2020 with BGA I 1, the mathematical writings from 1811–1831 now follow. In addition to 4 smaller reviews, the volume primarily comprises the following three important writings: ›Der binomische Lehrsatz (The Binomial Theorem)…‹ (1816), ›Die drey Probleme (The Three Problems)... ‹ (1817) and ›Rein analytischer Beweis (Purely Analytic Proof)...‹ (1817/18).

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