Bernard Bolzano: Band I,10: Lebensbeschreibung des Dr. B. Bolzano mit einigen seiner ungedruckten Aufsätze und dem Bildnisse des Verfassers (Sulzbach 1836)

18,1 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2295-7
June 2025
Single price:
ca. € 278.–

In the spring of 1831, Bernard Bolzano wrote a description of his origins and life for his ›life companion‹ Anna Hoffmann, of which several copies soon circulated among his circle of friends. One of these was used by Bolzano’s pupil and friend Michael Josef Fesl to publish it in 1836 without the author’s knowledge with a long introduction and annotations (as well as a portrait that Bolzano disliked), adding Bolzano’s justification to the Archbishop of Prague and three relevant edification speeches from 1809 and 1818 as an appendix. These texts are critically edited and annotated in this volume.

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