235 p., 14,7 x 20,8 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2076-2
Single price:
€ 58.–
Special offer for members of the IPV and their branches, for DPG and DGPT:
€ 48.–
Special offer for students and supervisees (please provide us with a certificate):
€ 29.–

The investigation of microprocesses plays an increasingly important role in psychoanalysis. With the discovery of transference, countertransference, projective identification and enactment, but also with the new understanding of the binocular interaction of conscious and unconscious processes, the complex structures and multi - layered dynamics that occur in the analytic encounter are brought to the fore. For this purpose, the interpsychic events were investigated microscopically; theories and concepts that help to understand these dynamics were extended. The present volume »Microprocesses« presents in its contributions both such subtle interpsychic dynamics as well as central concepts and theories (for example Matte-Blanco’s theory of bi-logic, Bion’s concept of hallucinosis, and Aulagnier’s reflections on the pictogram) that deepen the understanding of psychoanalytic processes.

  • Editorial


  • Ulrich Moser: Transformationen in Träumen und Transformationen von Träumen

  • Pietro Bria: »Denken, Fühlen, Sein« – Die Forschung über das Unbewusste von Ignacio Matte Blanco

  • Eckart Leiser: Piera Aulagnier – Das Piktogramm als Erweiterung von Freuds Metapsychologie

  • Uta Karacaoğlan / Riccardo Lombardi: Psychoanalytische Mikroprozesse im Zusammenspiel von Körper und Seele

  • Paulo Cesar Sandler: Wirkliche Psychoanalyse ist wirkliches Leben

  • Peter Wegner: Feinkörnige Strömungen seelischer Substanzen in der psychoanalytischen Situation? (Teil 1)


  • Anna Bentinck van Schoonheten: Karl Abrahams Platz in der Geschichte der Psychoanalyse

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