Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse: Band 60: Perversionen – Zur Theorie und Behandlungstechnik

199 p., 3 ill., 14,7 x 20,8 cm.
Unveränderter Print-on-Demand-Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 2010
ISBN 978-3-7728-2060-1
Single price (Recommended retail price):
€ 36.–
eISBN 9783772831607
€ 36.–

Treating perversions makes great demands on psychoanalysts. Transference and countertransference dynamics which are hard to bear are unavoidable. The articles in this volume explore this field based on detailed clinical case studies and new theoretical aspects. The cases describe include those of a coprophagous perversion, the case of a uniform fetishist as well as a perversion of the experiencing of time. The volume begins with a German translation of the classic article by M. Glasser (1979) on the difference between aggression and sadism, published here in German for the first time. Against this backdrop, the authors provide diverse new insights for example into the figure of the perverse father, autistoid perversion, perverse argumentation and into the change in the meaning of the term perversion.


  • Susanne Kitlitschko: Notiz zu Mervin Glasser und seiner Arbeit ›Some Aspects of the Role of Aggression in the Perversions‹ Buy article
  • Mervin Glasser: Zur Rolle der Aggression in den Perversionen
  • Bernd Nissen: Zur nichtobjektalen, autistoiden Perversion
  • Friedemann Pfäfflin: Diverse Perversionskonstrukte
  • Heinz Weiß: Perverse Verknüpfungen: Realitätsbezug und argumentative Struktur
  • Udo Hock: Der perverse Vater
  • Reimut Reiche: Ein Hybrid-Nazi in Analyse

Freud als Briefschreiber:

  • Gerhard Fichtner: »In der kleinen Schrift habe ich nichts Überwundenes vorgefunden«. Ein Brief Freuds an Heinrich Gomperz aus dem Jahre 1913


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