Johann Gerhard: Meditationes Sacrae (1606/07)

Critically edited, annotated and endued with an afterword by Johann Anselm Steiger.
DeP I,3 (1-2)
2 Volumes
797 p., 6 ill., 15,7 x 20,9 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1824-0
Single price:
€ 186.–

This set of two volumes provides an edition of the ›Meditationes‹ in accordance with the Latin and German versions published in 1606 and 1607. The apparatuses contain biblical and traditional quotations as well as variants of later editions. An afterword provides an introduction to the history of the origins of this devotional work and explains its significance for piety and for the history of theology and the history of its impact. The edition includes indexes of persons, biblical passages and keywords.