Bibliographia Gerhardina (1601–2002)

A catalogue of Johann Gerhards publications, including their new editions, translations and adaptations.

With the assistance of Peter Fiers.
DeP I,9
424 p., 21 ill., 22,8 x 30,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1930-8
Single price:
€ 398.–

This bibliography lists Gerhard’s independent and non-independent publications, including the various translations and new editions up to the present time. This is the first bibliography of the works of one of the most important and productive representatives of Protestant church and theological history in the Baroque Era. Approximately 2,000 bibliographic entries illustrate the wide range of his literary works: Bible commentaries, devotional works, collections of sermons and individual sermons, systematic and controversial theological works, series of disputation theses and epicedia, forewords, expert assessments of individual theological, political and ethical issues. This is a substantial segment of the bibliographical coverage of the 17th century, which has increasingly been gaining momentum. Location of the sources described is provided, thus facilitating their access. Indexes of (co-)authors, contributors, printers, publishers, place of printing and location of publishing company make the work easily accessible for all those using it.


International Review of Biblical Studies

»This is a model of its kind, and one can only hope that other researchers will emulate the high standard achieved by the learned editor.«

International Review of Biblical Studies
Michael Beyer, Herbergen der Christenheit

»Das ›Nachwort‹ [...] informiert detailliert über Absicht und Methode der Bibliographie, die sich als unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel der Gerhard-Forschung erweisen dürfte und darüber hinaus Maßstäbe setzt für die weitere bibliographische Erschließung von Autoren des 17. Jh.s.«

Michael Beyer,
Herbergen der Christenheit
Volker Leppin, Pietismus und Neuzeit

»Der Rechercheaufwand, den Steiger und sein Mitarbeiter Peter Fiers getrieben haben, war enorm. Es wurde im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes weltweit recherchiert, so dass man nun anhand der Bibliographie die Wirkung Gerhards bis ins Estnische, Isländische oder Russische hinein verfolgen kann.«

Volker Leppin,
Pietismus und Neuzeit