Johann Anselm Steiger: Johann Gerhard (1582–1637)
Studien zu Theologie und Frömmigkeit des Kirchenvaters der lutherischen Orthodoxie.
Steiger‘s studies do not only trace Gerhard’s dogmatics but also the implementation of his theology in the areas of devotional literature, pastoral care by letter and sermons. The volume provides a critical annotated edition of the 21-year-old Gerhard’s last will and testament, written in 1603 while he was seriously ill, and studies the reception of medieval mysticism by Gerhard and other Lutheran theologians. Steiger shows Gerhard as a writer of spiritual letters by editing and annotating texts which are examples of this. An essay on the edition of the ›Meditationes Sacrae‹ completes the volume.
»This is an extremely important resource for research on baroque mentalities, and the author/editor is to be congratulated on this fine achievement.«
»The views and questions raised by this book should serve as a catalyst for further study of Lutheran orthodoxy.«
»Die Studien sind glänzend geschrieben, angenehm, ja spannend zu lesen und enthalten eine Fülle von Informationen, Anregungen und Anfragen.«
All volumes
- Gerhard: Tractatus de legitima scripturae sacrae interpretatione (1610) – available
- Gerhard: Exercitium Pietatis Quotidianum Quadripartitum (1612) – available
- Bibliotheca Gerhardina – available
- Gerhard: Sämtliche Leichenpredigten – available
- Bibliographia Gerhardina (1601–2002) – available
- Gerhard: Postilla (1613), Teile 1-5 – available
- Gerhard: Erklährung der Historien des Leidens vnnd Sterbens vnsers HErrn Christi Jesu nach den vier Evangelisten (1611) – available
- Gerhard: Enchiridion consolatorium morti ac tentationibus in agone mortis opponendum (1611) – available
- Gerhard: Ein vnd Fünfftzig Gottselige / Christliche Evangelische Andachten / oder Geistreiche Betrachtungen – available
- Gerhard: Meditationes Sacrae (1606/07) – available
- Gerhard: Meditationes Sacrae (1603/04) – available
- Steiger: Johann Gerhard (1582–1637) – available
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