Brigitte Stuplich: Zur Dramentechnik des Hans Sachs

Hans Sachs (1494–1576) left a large legacy of more than 120 comedies and tragedies. The poet and playwright has in fact received recognition as the author of carnival or shrovetide plays, but not as a playwright. This study of Hans Sachs’s technique of drama is an important step towards making the comprehensive conception of his dramas accessible as it has not been before. The author studies the work of Sachs in the context of dramas written in the 16th century. Based on the structuring of the dramas, the volume provides insight into how the text of the drama was put into action on stage. The communication between the actors and the portrayal of the figures as well as the action of the drama are proof of the playwright’s distinct creative drive. Hans Sachs’s specific technique of drama is described convincingly in individual analyses of selected comedies and tragedies.
»Erst durch diese Studie [ist] eine solide Basis geschaffen .[..], um sich interpretativ mit dem voluminösen Opus des «Meistersingers, Schuhmachers und Dramatikers auseinanderzusetzen.«
All volumes
- Winter: Humanistische Historiographie in der Volkssprache: Bernhard Schöfferlins ›Römische Historie‹ – available
- Stuplich: Zur Dramentechnik des Hans Sachs – available
- Brant: Fabeln – available
- Brant: Kleine Texte – available
- Caemmerer: Siegender Cupido oder Triumphierende Keuschheit – available
- Nicodemus Frischlin (1547–1590) – available
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