Johann Valentin Andreae: Band 7: Veri Christianismi solidaeque philosophiae libertas (1618)
Edited, translated and annotated by Frank Böhling.
414 p., 2 Lesebändchen, 12,7 x 17,8 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1433-4
Single price:
€ 198.–
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This volume contains Andreae’s three Libertas works: The ›Bonae Causae Fiducia‹ provides a survey and stock-taking of the Reformation. The ›Theologiae Encomium‹ emulates Erasmus‘s ›In Praise of Folly‹. In ›Libertatis Encomium‹, Andreae outlined a Christian philosophy which, similar to the Rosicrucian Manifestos, had its origins in the Renaissance philosophy of a Ficino or Pico. This is characterized by the extensive recourse to allegory and emblematic.
All volumes
- Band 1, Teil 1: Autobiographie. Bücher 1 bis 5 – available
- Band 1, Teil 2: Autobiographie. Bücher 6 bis 8. Kleine biographische Schriften – available
- Band 1, Teil 3: Kommentar mit Register – in preparation
- Band 2: Nachrufe, Autobiographische Schriften, Cosmoxenus – available
- Band 3: Rosenkreuzerschriften – available
- Band 3,1: Kommentar zu den Rosenkreuzerschriften (Ergänzungsband zu Band 3) – available
- Band 4: Geistliche Schriften – First half of 2026
- Band 5: Theca Gladii Spiritus (1616) – available
- Band 6: Schriften zur christlichen Reform – available
- Band 7: Veri Christianismi solidaeque philosophiae libertas (1618) – available
- Band 8: Turbo, sive moleste et frustra per cuncta divagans ingenium (1616) – available
- Band 9,1-2: Menippus sive dialogorum satyricorum centuria (1617) – in preparation
- Band 10, Teil 1: Mythologia Christiana sive virtutum et vitiorum vitae humanae imaginum libri tres (1618) – in preparation
- Band 10, Teil 2: Mythologia Christiana sive virtutum et vitiorum vitae humanae imaginum libri tres (1618) – in preparation
- Band 10, Teil 3: Mythologia Christiana sive virtutum et vitiorum vitae humanae imaginum libri tres (1618) – in preparation
- Band 11: Peregrini in patria errores (1618) – available
- Band 12: Civis Christianus, sive Peregrini quondam errantis restitutiones (1619) – available
- Band 13: Turris Babel sive judiciorum de Fraternitate Rosaceae Crucis chaos (1619). De curiositatis pernicie syntagma (1620) – available
- Band 14: Reipublicae Christianopolitanae descriptio (1619) – Christenburg Das ist: ein schön geistlich Gedicht (1626) – available
- Band 15: Deutschsprachige Dichtungen – available
- Band 16: Theophilus – available
- Band 17: Theologisch-politische Streitschriften – available
- Band 18: Collectanea Mathematica (1614) – in preparation
- Band 19: Register – in preparation
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