Johann Valentin Andreae: Band 14: Reipublicae Christianopolitanae descriptio (1619) – Christenburg Das ist: ein schön geistlich Gedicht (1626)

Edited, translated and annotated by Frank Böhling and Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann.
515 p., 2 Lesebändchen, 12,1 x 17,8 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1442-6
Single price:
€ 228.–

Andreae’s ›Christianopolis‹ is the most important utopia of Protestant theology. It shows the model state of spiritual republicanism, the secular goal of Protestant political theology. Universal education, spiritual disciplining and welfare policies were to be combined in a second Reformation. Andreae’s theological-political vision became a model of the Protestant princely states as well as of English revolutionary republicanism in the 17th century. The allegorical and polemical didactic poem ›Christenburg‹, written in 1626, sees the vision as being critically endangered and shows the extent to which the Protestants’ situation had deteriorated in the Thirty Years’ War.


Donald R. Dickson, Seventeenth-Century News

»This new edition of the Reipublicae Christianopolitanae descripto makes available to German readers an essential legacy of Johann Valentin Andreae. [...] With each new volume of the Gesammelte Schriften that appears, the portrait of this educational and social reformer, who so embodied the Protestant culture of Germany, and whose theological-political vision influenced English republicanism in the seventeenth century, becomes more distinct.«

Donald R. Dickson,
Seventeenth-Century News

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