Johann Valentin Andreae: Band 9,1-2: Menippus sive dialogorum satyricorum centuria (1617)

Edited, translated and annotated by Frank Böhling.
Umschlagfoto – nicht vorhanden
Ca. 2 Volumes
894 p., 2 Lesebändchen, 11,5 x 17,3 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1435-8
In preparation

This collection of short Neo-Latin dialogues and mini-dramas was first published (semi-)anonymously in 1617. After criticism was voiced, a shortened and partly softened, but partly even sharpened second edition followed in 1618. A descendant of the Cynic philosopher, who also reveals himself to be a man of the church, takes aim at the various forms of hypocrisy in thematically and formally varied, lively exchanges with his more conservative counterpart, as they come to light in the encounter between rich and poor, true and sham Christians, scholars and charlatans.

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