Johann Valentin Andreae: Band 13: Turris Babel sive judiciorum de Fraternitate Rosaceae Crucis chaos (1619). De curiositatis pernicie syntagma (1620)

Edited, translated and annotated by Frank Böhling and Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann.
304 p., 2 Lesebändchen, 11,5 x 17,3 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1441-9
Single price:
€ 168.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3351-9
€ 168.–

This volume contains Andreae’s swansong to the Rosicrucian movement. In the 25 trialogues ›Turris Babel‹ (›The Tower of Babel‹, 1619) this is done rather half-heartedly; Andreae wants to get rid of natural theology and alchemy, but he continues to advocate the idea of a pious elite to reform politics and theology, which he formulated in his small writings on Christian reform (vol. 6). The ›Tractat‹ (actually more of an essay) on the ›Harmfulness of Curiosity and the False Pursuit of Singularity‹ (›De curiositatis pernicie syntagma. Ad singularitatis studiosos‹, 1620) is also a reckoning with the Rosicrucian furor. In addition, Andreae describes pseudo-scientific hocus-pocus, false prophets, sanctimonious sectarians, aristocratic art connoisseurs and youthful non-conformism in psychologically refined and satirically pointed portraits as varieties of »curiosity«, the seductive power of which he knows from his own experience.


Pablo Cruz, Concordia (86-2024)

»Sobre la edición cabe destacar, además de la precisa traducción alemana de los originales latinos, las sendas introducciones en las que se explica tanto el contexto como la línea expositiva de ambos textos. En el tomo encontrará el lector asimismo un apartado con comentarios de conceptos y términos que facilitan en gran medida la comprensión del contenido de los textos editados.«

Pablo Cruz,
Concordia (86-2024)

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