Erhard Weigel: Werke VIII,1-2: Astronomiae Pars Sphaerica Methodo Euclidea conscripta
Edited and introduced by Thomas Behme.
CP 3,8.1-2
2 Volumes
LXVIII, 640 p., 15,7 x 21,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2697-9
Single price:
€ 396.–
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This work is Weigel’s main scientific work on astronomy. Its subject is spherical astronomy (»Sphaerica«), which, using the mathematical model of the sphere, deals with the coordinate systems for measuring the apparent sky. It forms the general part of astronomy, which is defined as the »science of the quantity of phenomena as they appear to earthlings in the sky«.
The work is the first to apply Weigel’s Aristotelian-Euclidean method, which bases the universal claim of the »mos geometricus« on a reinterpretation of Aristotelian analytics, to an individual science.
All volumes
- Werke I: Universi Corporis Pansophici Caput Summum – available
- Werke II: Arithmetische Beschreibung der Moral-Weißheit von Personen und Sachen – available
- Werke III: Analysis Aristotelica ex Euclide restituta – available
- Werke IV,1-2: Teil 1: Philosophia Mathematica Theologia Naturalis Solida. Teil 2: Archimetria – available
- Werke V,1-2: Wienerischer Tugend-Spiegel – available
- Werke VI: Kleine Schriften zu Gott, Zeit und Existenz – available
- Werke VII: Kleine Schriften zur Logik, Logistik und zum Begriff der Mathesis – available
- Werke VIII,1-2: Astronomiae Pars Sphaerica Methodo Euclidea conscripta – available
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