Sabine B. Spitzlei: Erfahrungsraum Herz
Zur Mystik des Zisterzienserinnenkloster Helfta im 13. Jh.

This first monograph on Helfta mysticism is an historical, philological and theological contribution to the study of German women’s mysticism in the 13th century. The author explores the external living and educational conditions in the Helfta convent and the depth of its theological and liturgical mysticism as described in the writings handed down by St. Gertrude die Große (1256–1302) and St. Mechthild Hackeborn (1241–1298). The author attempts to sum up the center of this mysticism using the term »heart.«
»This new study of Gertrud of Helfta’s and Mechthild of Hackeborn’s writings proves the resourcefulness of the Helfta works, for it seems that any approach, no matter from which angle, contributes to our understanding of these great authors. Above all, Spitzlei’s astute interpretations of original text passages represent a valuable reading aid for newcomers to the Helfta writings.«
»Diese [...] Dissertation schließt eine empfindliche Lücke der aktuellen Mystikforschung.«
All volumes
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- Tiefe des Gotteswissens – Schönheit der Sprachgestalt bei Hildegard von Bingen – available
- Spitzlei: Erfahrungsraum Herz – Reprint in preparation
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