Band 13: Johann Christoph Greiling (1765–1840)
Theorie der Popularität. Reprint of the first edition (Magdeburg 1805).
With an afterword by Holger Böning.

Volksaufklärung 13
201 p., 12,5 x 17,3 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1410-5
Single price:
€ 44.–
»It is popularity which brings the truth into life in a pleasing guise without harming its goodness.« What may have been desirable in general for philosophy and literature was sheer necessity for popular Enlightenment. This is why since the beginning of popular Enlightenment the question of how to make the »people« understand the philosophy of the Enlightenment was widely discussed. In his work, Greiling addresses these discussions and integrates them into what is presumably the most significant »Theory of Popularity.«
All volumes
- Band 1: Christian Wolff (1679–1754) – available
- Band 2: Johann Caspar Nägeli (1696-1742) – available
- Band 3: Johann Ludewig (1715-1760) – available
- Band 4: Idee von einem Christlichen Dorfe und andere Texte zur frühen Volksaufklärung – available
- Band 5: Johann Georg Schlosser (1739–1799) – available
- Band 6: Hans Caspar Hirzel (1725–1803) – available
- Band 7: Johann Friedrich Mayer (1719-1798) – available
- Band 8: Rudolph Zacharias Becker (1752–1822) / Heinrich Gottlob Zerrenner (1750–1811) – available
- Band 11: Johann Adam Christian Thon (1739–1809) – available
- Band 13: Johann Christoph Greiling (1765–1840) – available
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