Philipp Melanchthon: Band T 9: Texte 2336-2604 (1540)

Edited by Christine Mundhenk.
637 p., 18,0 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2443-2
Single price:
€ 298.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3304-5
€ 298.–

This volume focuses on the efforts to settle the religious dispute. Melanchthon and other theologians were important advisors in the preparations for the religious discussion announced by the emperor; among other things, they wrote expert reports as a basis for a common position on the Protestant side. In the spring of 1540, Melanchthon was in the Schmalkaldic Diet. The summer was overshadowed by Landgrave Philipp of Hesse’s bigamy, which made Melanchthon so ill that he could not go the negotiations at Hagenau. From October on Melanchthon was in Worms in order to take part in the religious discussion.


Manuela Kahle, Fast Review of Books in Renaissance Intellectual History

»This volume is essential as an additional source for every person working on 16th century religious disputations and colloquies. [...] At least every scholar dealing in the broadest sense with Philipp Melanchthon, Reformation, 16th century (intellectual) history etc. has to appreciate and to consult this edition.«

Manuela Kahle,
Fast Review of Books in Renaissance Intellectual History
Kestutis Daugirdas, Blätter für pfälzische Kirchengeschichte und religiöse Volkskunde

»Ob es um Theologiegeschichte oder Rechtspolitik, um Sozialgeschichte oder um das Werden der Konfessionskirchen geht, der vorliegende Band wird sicherlich zu einer unentbehrlichen Quelle für eine adäquate Erschließung all dieser Themen werden.«

Kestutis Daugirdas,
Blätter für pfälzische Kirchengeschichte und religiöse Volkskunde
Schilling, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte

Wenn das Unternehmen in dieser Weise fortschreitet, wird man sich weder über die Qualität noch über die Fertigstellung Sorgen machen müssen.

Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte
Timothy Wengert, Sixteenth Century Journal

One cannot [...] nitpick about this volume, which represents yet another splendid piece of editorial work from the Melanchthon-Forschungsstelle in Heidelberg, bound to enrich both the studies of Wittenberg's other reformer and the development of confessional consciousness in the middle decades of the sixteenth century.

Timothy Wengert,
Sixteenth Century Journal

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