Philipp Melanchthon: Band T 17: Texte 4791-5010 (Juli–Dezember 1547)

356 p., 18,0 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2579-8
Single price:
€ 298.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3312-0
€ 298.–

uncertainties involved in the altered political situation as well as Melanchthon’s state of mind as he received many offers from other places but still felt home was where he could be with his friends. Melanchthon was much sought after as a conversation partner when it came to planning the university system. He took part in negotiations regarding the foundation of a university in Jena but was then summoned to Wittenberg where deliberations were in progress regarding the reopening of the university. He was lonely there without his friends, since he missed being able to exchange ideas with his colleagues. However the pressure put on him to write his ›Dialectics‹ kept him there. He anxiously monitored the incipient Diet of Augsburg. Melanchthon was so worried that at the end of the year he dreamed that the Elector Maurice wanted to reduce Wittenberg to rubble.


Amy Nelson, Burnett

»This volume of Philipp Melanchton’s correspondence from the second half of 1547 is exceptional because its contents allow readers to appreciate the impact of the current political and ecclesiastical situation at the personal level. [...] [T]hese letters offer a rare and valuable glimpse into Melanchthon’s life and psychological state. Through them readers can also gain insight into the difficult circumstances in Wittenberg in the months following the loss of the Schmalkaldic War. They demonstrate once again the value of the sixteenth-century correspondence as a source for historians.«

Amy Nelson,
Stefan Michel, Rottenburger Jahrbuch für Kirchengeschichte

»In bewundernswerter Weise haben die Bearbeiter für diesen Band wieder entlegene Editionsgrundlagen aufgespürt und nachgewiesen. [...] Mit Recht kann deshalb der MBW als eine mustergültige, allen wissenschaftlichen Bedürfnissen dienende Edition eines wichtigen Reformators gelten.«

Stefan Michel,
Rottenburger Jahrbuch für Kirchengeschichte
Rudolf Keller, Zeitschrift für bayerische Kirchengeschichte

»Dies ist ein wertvoller Quellenband, der für viele Wissenschaftszweige benutzt werden wird.«

Rudolf Keller,
Zeitschrift für bayerische Kirchengeschichte

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