Philipp Melanchthon: Band T 11: Texte 2866-3126 (1542)
After the journeys of the past years to diets and religious discussions, Melanchthon spent the year 1542 almost exclusively in Wittenberg. It was from here that he followed the diets in Speyer and Nuremberg and exchanged information with the persons with whom he corresponded. With great anxiety he observed the Turks in Hungary and Joachim of Brandenburg’s military campaign against them. Many of the letters from Melanchthon’s everyday life show how much influence he had; in addition to numerous letters of recommendation, his involvement in filling several vacancies for positions at schools or positions as clergymen and in founding the University of Königsberg is well documented.
»This volume is very carefully, accurately and thoughtfully worked out and a delightful step towards the completion of this imposing edition. Every scholar working on Melanchthon and his background has the pleasure to have recourse to this edition but also has to revert back to it and will be measured on the use of it as well, as the publications of this commemorative year of Melanchthon will reveal to us.«
»Zusammen mit dem Regestenband 3 bildet der Textband 11 eine vorzügliche Ausgangsbasis für alle, die an dem tieferen Kennenlernen der frühneuzeitlichen Abläufe [...] im Allgemeinen und der bildungspolitischen Rolle Melanchthons im Besonderen interessiert sind.«
»It is next to impossible to improve upon what has to be one of the best editions of a sixteenth-century figure ever produced.«
All volumes
- Band T 1: Texte 1-254 (1514–1522) – available
- Band T 2: Texte 255-520 (1523–1526) – available
- Band T 3: Texte 521-858 (1527–1529) – available
- Band T 4,1-2: Texte 859-1109 (1530) – available
- Band T 5: Texte 1110-1394 (1531–1533) – available
- Band T 6: Texte 1395-1683 (1534–1535) – available
- Band T 7: Texte 1684-1979 (1536–1537) – available
- Band T 8: Texte 1980-2335 (1538–1539) – available
- Band T 9: Texte 2336-2604 (1540) – available
- Band T 10: Texte 2605-2865 (1541) – available
- Band T 11: Texte 2866-3126 (1542) – available
- Band T 12: Texte 3127-3420a (1543) – available
- Band T 13: Texte 3421-3779 (1544) – available
- Band T 14: Texte 3780-4109 (1545) – available
- Band T 15: Texte 4110-4529a (1546) – available
- Band T 16: Texte 4530-4790 (Januar–Juni 1547) – available
- Band T 17: Texte 4791-5010 (Juli–Dezember 1547) – available
- Band T 18: Texte 5011-5343 (Januar–Oktober 1548) – available
- Band T 19: Texte 5344-5642 (November 1548–September 1549) – available
- Band T 20: Texte 5643-5969 (Oktober 1549–Dezember 1550) – available
- Band T 21: Texte 5970-6291 (1551) – available
- Band T 22: Texte 6292-6690 (1552) – available
- Band T 23: 6691-7093 (Januar 1553-Februar 1554) – available
- Band T 24: Texte 7094-7454 (März 1554-März 1555) – available
- Band T 25: Texte 7455–7802 (April 1555–April 1556) – available
- Band T 26: Texte 7803–8142 (Mai 1556–Februar 1557) – November 2025
- Band T 27: Texte 8143–8472 (März–Dezember 1557) – Second half of 2026
- Band T 28 – in preparation
- Band T 29 – in preparation
- Band T 30 – in preparation
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