Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Band 13,1-2: Briefwechsel Januar 1801 bis August 1805. Nr. 3988-4578. Nachtrag zum Briefwechsel 1770–1798

Nr. 3988-4578. Subsidised by the Saxon Academy of Sciences.

Edited by Manuela Köppe.
2 Volumes
540 p., 17,5 x 24,3 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2667-2
eISBN 978-3-7728-3450-9
€ 596.–

This volume contains the correspondence of Jacobi’s last years in Eutin, which were only interrupted by a trip to Paris from the end of 1801 to the beginning of 1802. In addition to the philosophical disputes with Kant, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel, in the beginning of these years also the conversion of Count Friedrich Leopold zu Stolberg-Stolberg is once again is treated. Besides the known pen pals of those years – such as Reinhold, Jean Paul, Bouterwek, Brinckmann, Goethe, Köppen, Perthes, Schenk and Johanna Margaretha Sieveking – a new important connection is added: Germaine de Staël-Holstein. In 1805 Jacobi was appointed to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences; the volume concludes with the letters he wrote on his journey to Munich.


Wilhelm G. Jacobs , Philosophisches Jahrbuch (131. Jahrgang / I (2024)

»[...] niemand, der über diesen Zeitraum arbeitete, könnte sich diese Briefe zusammensuchen und für seine Arbeit auswerten, es sei, er wolle ein halbes Leben daransetzen. Hier ist somit die Grundlage für weitere Forschung erarbeitet.«

Wilhelm G. Jacobs ,
Philosophisches Jahrbuch (131. Jahrgang / I (2024)