Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Band 6: Briefwechsel Januar bis November 1787

Nr. 1609-1902. Subsidised by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.

Edited by Walter Jaeschke.
Commentary by Jürgen Weyenschops.
552 p., 17 x 24 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2493-7
In preparation

The main focus of the annotations is on making the connections between those lines of conversation which can be found throughout Jacobi’s correspondence transparent. The result of this is an image, largely a mosaic, of a wide-ranging conversation network which Jacobi used to collect news, arguments, concepts and ideas in order to apply these to his own philosophical arguments. His correspondence with Hamann, Lavater, Kleuker or Princess von Gallitzin, among others, focused on his philosophical works, primarily ›David Hume‹ and the preparations for the new edition of his book on Spinoza.