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Critical Editions » Jacobi: Briefwechsel - Nachlaß - Dokumente » Briefwechsel » II: Kommentar »Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Band 5,1-2: Briefwechsel 1786
Nr. 1307-1608. Supplements: ›Zum Tode Moses Mendelssohns‹ – ›Hamanns »Fliegender Brief«‹. Subsidised by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.
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For Jacobi, 1786 was a year of numerous conflicts, as indicated by a great deal of correspondence as well as the projects on which Jacobi was working. The dispute with Mendelssohn regarding Lessing‘s »Pantheism« (including »Against Mendelssohn‘s Accusations«), the controversy with the Enlightenment philosophers in Berlin regarding »crypto-Catholicism«, and finally Jacobi’s journey to England with the preliminary work on his study of David Hume have been provided with a text-critical apparatus and bibliographies as well as detailed commentaries. For the first time, Jacobi‘s work on the numerous drafts of Hamanns ›Fliegendem Brief‹ (Flying Letter) has been documented exactly and explained in an annex. There is a further annex which documents the conflicts surrounding Moses Mendelssohn’s death.
»Nicht nur für die Jacobi-Forschung, sondern vor allem auch für die Hamann-Forschung ist dieser Kommentar in zwei Teilbänden unverzichtbar.«
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- Band 1: Briefwechsel 1762–1775 – available
- Band 2: Briefwechsel 1775–1781 – available
- Band 3: Briefwechsel 1782–1784 – available
- Band 4,1-2: Briefwechsel 1785 – available
- Band 5,1-2: Briefwechsel 1786 – available
- Band 6: Briefwechsel Januar bis November 1787 – in preparation
- Band 7: Briefwechsel November 1787 bis Juni 1788 – in preparation
- Band 8: Briefwechsel Juli 1788 bis Dezember 1790 – in preparation
- Band 9: Briefwechsel Januar 1791 bis Mai 1792 – available
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- Band 11: Briefwechsel Oktober 1794 bis Dezember 1798 – available
- Band 12: Briefwechsel 1799–1800 – in preparation
- Band 13: Briefwechsel Januar 1801 bis August 1805 – in preparation
- Band 14: Briefwechsel August 1805 bis Dezember 1810 – First half of 2026
- Band 15: Briefwechsel Januar 1811 bis März 1819 – in preparation
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