Erhard Weigel: Werke

Edited and introduced by Thomas Behme.
CP 3,1-8
Ca. 8 in 10 Bdn
ISBN 978-3-7728-2358-9
8 in 11 Volumes available

As the teacher of Leibniz and Pufendorf, Erhard Weigel (1625–1699) had a strong influence on the development of philosophical thinking in the 17th and 18th centuries. Weigel is also considered to be an intellectual pioneer of »scientific thinking«. His work includes over one hundred writings in the areas of mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, physics, pedagogy, law, architecture, history, geography, ethics, mechanical science and technology. Although Weigel’s work has triggered considerable scholarly interest and is also highly significant for the history of ideas, this is the first time it has been made available in a modern edition.


Stefan Kratochwil, Theologische Literaturzeitung

»Thomas Behme ist zu danken, dass er mit außergewöhnlicher Akribie und immenser Gelehrsamkeit einen Sachkommentar erstellt hat, der den Zugang zum Text erleichtert und dessen wissenschafts- und philosophiegeschichtliche Einordnung erst ermöglicht.«

Stefan Kratochwil,
Theologische Literaturzeitung