Raimundus Lullus: Opera
Reprint of the Strasbourg 1651 Latin edition.
With an introduction by Anthony Bonner.
CP 2,1-2
2 Volumes
45*, 1152 p., 16,0 x 20,8 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1624-6
Single price:
€ 318.–
A common lineament in European thinking dating from the end of the 16th century can be traced back to Ramon Llull’s (1235–1316) lasting influence. In Llull’s ›Ars generalis ultima‹ and his ›Ars brevis‹, thinkers like Alsted and Leibniz discovered a method that merges different sciences into one organic encyclopedia of knowledge. The depiction of this method in Llull’s great ›Artes‹ as well as the comments by Giordano Bruno and Agrippa von Nettesheim – as compiled by the Strasbourg publisher Lazarus Zetzner in his 1651 edition – were crucial for this development. The present edition also contains the important ›Opus Aureum‹ by Valerius de Valeriis.
All volumes
- Sefer Jezirah – available
- Lullus: Opera – available
- Weigel: Werke – continued
- Schmidlin: Pictura docens – available
- Fludd: Utriusque Cosmi Historia – available
- Khunrath: Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae – Schauplatz der ewigen allein wahren Weisheit – available
- Das Corpus Hermeticum Deutsch – available
- Law: Das ›Corpus Hermeticum‹ – Wirkungsgeschichte: Transzendenz, Immanenz, Ethik – continued
- Brecht: J. V. Andreae und Herzog August zu Braunschweig-Lüneburg – available
- Pring-Mill: Der Mikrokosmos Ramon Llulls – available
- Schmidt-Biggemann: Geschichte der christlichen Kabbala – available
- Ricius: Schriften zur christlichen Kabbala – continued
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