Sonia Carboncini: Transzendentale Wahrheit und Traum

Christian Wolffs Antwort auf die Herausforderung durch den Cartesianischen Zweifel.

278 p., 17,2 x 24,5 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1348-1
Single price:
€ 82.–

The problem of the difference between reality (or truth) and a dream and its development from Descartes to Kant became an issue in the doctrine of transcendental truth, the central part of Wolff’s ontology and cosmology. This work presents Wolff’s theory of truth and dreams from three points of view. It begins with the confrontation with scholasticism and with Cartesianism as well, then with regard to the development of a new meaning of the term transcendental; and in conclusion refers to the theory of thesomnium objective sumptum, the dream in a metaphysical sense. In addition, the impact of Wolff’s didactic work is studied with regard to the Wolff school as well as the critical examinations of Wolff (Crusius, Lambert, Kant).

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