Enrique M. Ureña: K. C. F. Krause. Philosoph, Freimaurer, Weltbürger

Eine Biographie.

With a preface by Rudolf Vierhaus.
SuE II,22
692 p., 15,6 x 20,9 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1393-1
Reduced price:
€ 52.–

K. C. F. Krause (1781–1832) is wrongly regarded as a minor character in the historiography of German philosophy, unlike in the Spanish-speaking world, where Krausismo is held in high esteem and has had considerable impact. In this first comprehensive biography, Ureña outlines the life of Krause, a versatile thinker who was probably more eager to have a practical effect than any philosopher of his time. Krause‘s philosophy is discussed on the basis of previously unpublished manuscripts. His teaching at the universities of Jena (at the same time as Hegel), Berlin and Göttingen, his revealing studies of the political events of his time and the Freemasons are documented in detail. Apart from being a biography of an individual, this book is also an important contribution to the history of European philosophy, Freemasonry and the history of German academia and universities.


Heinz Krumpel, Ius Commune. Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte

»Ureña gelingt es in seiner Arbeit in ausgezeichneter Weise, diese […] interessante Biographie Krauses herauszuarbeiten und jene charakteristischen Momente hervorzuheben, die für das Verständnis der Philosophie Krauses wesentlich sind.«

Heinz Krumpel,
Ius Commune. Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte
D. Bourel, Dix-Huitième Siècle

»Krause […] a trouvé en Espagne […] un biographe à sa mesure […] Son influence en Europe fut important et il faudrait peut être rééditer quelques textes afin que Krause […] retrouve aujourd’hui une partie de l’écho qu’il mérite. Ce très bon ouvrage y contribuera grandement.«

D. Bourel,
Dix-Huitième Siècle
The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies

»Ureña has performed a massive task […] A valuable contribution both to the subsequent reception of Kantian philosophy and to the international ramifications of German philosophy of the Classical period.«

The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies

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